Spring Semester 2018

This Monday I start my sixth semester at UC. I got to enjoy a winter break of relaxation and nothing, something I definitely needed. I'm looking forward to tackling the next semester reinvigorated and ready to go. This semester I will be taking 15 credit hours of CS courses. This semester my courses include Intelligent Data Analysis, Operating Systems, Computer Networks, Data Security, and AI Principles/Applications. I look forward to working on a pure CS courseload!
This semester will by my last semester as ACM president, and I look forward to a great schedule of meetings and events to wrap up my leadership. I'll be working diligently the next two months towards RevolutionUC, which is on March 3rd/4th this year. And! hopefully I'll get to do something cool for spring break!
This winter I decided that I'll be leaving Etegent Technologies and pursuing a new co-op for my fifth and final co-op rotation. I had a fantastic time working on NLign at Etegent, and I'm deeply grateful for the opportunity Etegent has given me. Co-op is a unique opportunity - no other time in your life do you get the chance to work somewhere for four month commitments. It's mostly for this reason that I've decided to pursue a new opportunity. I think that the time for taking risks is now, and I'll settle down after I graduate. If you happen to be reading this, and know of an opportunity that you think fits me, please don't hesitate to reach out!
Enjoy the random low-quality photo of a cardinal I used for the cover image!