On to the summer of 2018!

I'm in that lull between the end of the spring and start of the summer, and so I wanted to take a second to write down some of the things that happened this spring, and some of the things I'm looking forward to this summer!
This Past Spring
This past spring was my 6th semester in classes at UC, and it was an eventful one! Between the 7th RevolutionUC and the end of my term with ACM@UC, I was busy! I was inducted into the UC Chapter of Mortar Board, where I'll server as the alumni relations chair next year. I was also selected to win the Mantei Mae Award, which is a great honor from my department for which I am deeply grateful.
This semester I've had the chance to take a number of great and interesting courses, and for the first time ever, they're all computer science courses! I had the chance to take courses on Operating Systems, computer networking, and AI applications. My favorite courses this semester were Data Security and Privacy and Intelligent Data Analysis. In Data Security and Privacy I learned about various types of encryption, computer security games, and even about the blockchain! It was a very cool course with a number of chances for me to apply what I've learned in lab assignments. The other course, Intelligent Data Analysis went over a number of machine learning methodologies from perceptrons to clustering to anomaly analysis. We got the chance to use some of the algorithms on homework assignments where we analyzed anything from wine quality datasets to breast cancer prognosis datasets. On top of everything, I found out today that I officially landed a 4.0 again this semester!
The Coming Summer
I'm very much looking forward to this summer! I'll be starting my fifth and final coop with GE Digital downtown in their global operations center this May, and I'm very excited for the opportunity to learn and grow with GE!
I've got a handful of projects I'm looking forward to working on this summer! I've already begun work on a new website for CEAS Ambassadors, which will certainly be a big project. Expect more blog post(s) on it! If nothing else I think I'll have learned a lot about tooling and taking on such a "real" project. I'm expecting it to take the whole summer - but if it doesn't I'll hopefully get a chance to look more into home-assistant.io. Home Assistant seems to be a promising mechanism I can use to further automate and connect my smart home appliances.
Last but not least, there's relaxing! Much to my girlfriends dismay, I've also declared this the summer of country music and baseball hats. Neither are things people associate with me - but they will be after this summer! I'm looking forward to relaxing, traveling, and learning while on my final internship! If you're in Cincinnati let's catch up this summer!