OHI/O and My First Back End

This weekend I competed in OSU's hackathon on a team of three University students. I worked with Laura and Zach. We had no idea what project to work on, but ended up settling on JP Morgan Chase's social good challenge.
Campus Accessibility
UC is a really hilly place. And if you have a mobility impairment, it can be really difficult to get around. Wheelchair ramps with 8 switchbacks, stairs that require long detours, and hills too steep to go up in a wheelchair. We set out to build an Android app that could allow people to annotate these problem areas, and give possible solutions. WE got the idea from a project I worked on (briefly) in my freshman year with ACM.
My First Back End
While Zach and Laura worked on the android app, I wrote the back end for the app. We knew we wanted to be able to annotate locations, and hopefully do navigation in the future. I wrote the back end using mongoDB and an express node.js server. This was my first time generating an express project, and I learned a lot about GET and POST requests, not to mention routing. I handled input validation, and rendering data from the website.
You can find the back end here.
The Android App
Laura and Zach built the Android app, and I contributed occasionally. You can find the project here.