An Introduction
My name is Kurt Lewis and I'm a Software Engineer at Google. At Google, I work on Google sign in and security settings, think things like 2 Step Verification or Google's Advanced Protection Program. I live in the Bay Area California, where I like to run, hike, and visit breweries or wineries.
I graduated from the computer science program at the University of Cincinnati in 2019. At UC I was involved with a few student organizations. I served as president of ACM@UC, the Association for Computing Machinery at UC, for two yeras. I also helped to run RevolutionUC, UC's student hackathon. I've served as the director of the event, where I managed the team and oversaw all operations. I also gave tours of the college to prospective students with CEAS Ambassadors, for whom I also served as the tech chair.
I hope to be active on this blog, posting about technology, leadership, and even personal posts!